Ryan Layne Whitney, classical piano, harpsichord, clavichord, and fortepiano instruction
I am a classical pianist, harpsichordist, and clavichordist. I own and teach all of those instruments (four clavichords and four harpsichords are in my collection, as well as a grand piano and a fortepiano), and also teach music composition, music theory, and music history. I have 40+ years of experience, and a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Washington.
My rates are $50/hour, payable by the month at the beginning of each month. For example, $200 for one month of weekly lessons (even if there are five weeks in the month), $100 for one month of bi-weekly lessons.
Types of Instruction
I teach intermediate to advanced keyboard (piano, harpsichord, and clavichord) to teens and adults who can already play a Bach Two-Part Invention, or pieces of similar difficulty. I also give introductions to harpsichord, clavichord, and fortepiano for those of any level of skill who are not familiar with those instruments, and wish to learn about them at first hand—for example, their history, how they work, how they are maintained, etc. Those wishing to play and learn about the harpsichord, clavichord, and fortepiano will thus have a unique opportunity to play several fine examples of those instruments.
My approach is flexible, according to students' needs and abilities. I teach classical music from Renaissance to modern, but specialize in Baroque, Pre-Classic and Classic, and Late-Romantic era repertoire.
Students interested in learning about aspects of classical repertoire other than keyboard can benefit from my extensive resources in orchestral, choral, and operatic music, including scores, recordings, and DVD performances. Bach Cantatas; C.P.E. Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Bruckner Symphonies; Verdi, Mozart, and Wagner operas; and many others besides, are available to learn about.
You may see examples of my playing at https://www.youtube.com/user/teafruitbat .